
Green Datacenters

CASE: Use of Smartphone technologies to reduce Datacenter electricity consuption

Smartphone technologies like ARM chips and SSD memory are much more energy

efficient than traditional CPUs and hard disks.

Major technology players have also acknowledged this. See (https://www.exxactcorp.com/blog/hpc/why-arm-is-becoming-more-popular-in-hpc ) and (https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/microsoft-announces-in-house-arm-cpu-and-ai-accelerator-chips-custom-racks/)

Players from telecom field are joining (Ericsson).

The energy efficinency of the data centers can be done though efficiency improcements in the traditional computers and airconditioning, but the faster way is to leverage new hardware technologies.

To do this efficiently, cross-platform cirtualization is essential. (Stromasys).

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